Hair Transplant

Transform yourself into a new you

Hair loss is a common problem nowadays and some of the major factors contributing to this are age, genetics, lifestyle, stress, lack of proper diet and certain health conditions.

To address this problem effectively, Hair Transplant is one of most effective solutions available today that can give you your natural looking hair back.

How is a Hair Transplant performed?

At Skinpod Dermalogica, 100% natural looking Hair Transplants are performed by expert Dermatosurgeons. The procedure performed is minimally invasive and uses advanced Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method of hair transplantation.

In this procedure, hair follicles from a hair bearing area (donor area), generally the back of the head, are transplanted to the balding area (recipient area) under local anesthesia. Post-transplant, the hair that is transplanted grows for a lifetime since the donor area at the back of head is genetically least prone to baldness.


Safe and effective

Natural looking transplant

Minimally invasive - No cuts, scars or stitches

Expert Dermatosurgeons

Long-term solution

Advanced techniques and equipment

What to expect
  • First thing resulting a Hair Transplant is 100% natural looking hair that can be cut or styles as desired. Hair can be even coloured after a month.
  • A Hair Transplant procedure takes around 6-8 hours. Mild soreness and numbness following the treatment is common which reduces in a week’s time.
  • Recovery time is quick and the result is long-lasting.
  • At Skinpod Dermalogica, we combines the Hair Transplant procedure with other highly effective Hair Loss Treatments to continue stimulated hair growth.
  • We also offer hair transplant for Eye Brows, Mustache and Beard.
  • The Hair Transplant procedure is safe and performed by expert Dermatosurgeons as per strict guidelines using advanced infrastructure.

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